Will Wine Explode in the Freezer?

Will Wine Explode in the Freezer?

We’ve all been there: you want to quickly chill a bottle of wine and think, “I’ll just pop it in the freezer for a few minutes.” But what happens if you forget about it? Will the wine explode in the freezer? The short answer is: it can, and here’s why.

1. Why Wine Freezes

Wine is primarily made up of water, and like water, it freezes when temperatures drop below 32°F (0°C). However, wine also contains alcohol, which has a lower freezing point. On average, wine freezes at around 15°F to 20°F (-9°C to -6°C), depending on the alcohol content. The higher the alcohol percentage, the lower the freezing point. For example, a fortified wine like Port will freeze at a much lower temperature than a light white wine.

2. What Happens When Wine Freezes?

When wine is placed in the freezer, the water content begins to freeze and expand. As the water turns to ice, it increases in volume, which puts pressure on the bottle. Most wine bottles are not designed to withstand this kind of pressure, and as the frozen liquid expands, it can cause the cork to pop out or, in extreme cases, cause the bottle to crack or even explode.

  • Cork Popping: As the liquid expands, it may force the cork out of the bottle, leading to a potential mess inside your freezer.
  • Bottle Cracking or Shattering: If the wine continues to freeze and expand, the glass bottle may crack or shatter under the pressure, creating a potentially hazardous situation.

3. Is Frozen Wine Ruined?

If your wine freezes but the bottle remains intact, you might be wondering if it’s still drinkable. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Thawing: If your bottle of wine has frozen, let it thaw slowly in the refrigerator. Avoid putting it directly into a warm room or using warm water to speed up the process, as this sudden temperature change can further damage the wine’s structure.

  • Taste and Texture: While the wine may still be safe to drink, freezing can alter its flavor and texture. The delicate balance of aromas and flavors may be muted, and the texture could become slightly grainy. Sparkling wines, in particular, can lose their fizz and may taste flat after freezing.

4. How Long Can You Keep Wine in the Freezer?

If you plan to chill your wine quickly in the freezer, it’s important not to forget about it. As a general rule, it’s safe to keep wine in the freezer for 15-30 minutes. This will give the wine enough time to cool down without risking a frozen bottle. Setting a timer is a good idea to avoid accidental freezing.

5. Tips for Quick Chilling Without the Risk of Explosion

If you need to chill a bottle of wine quickly, but don’t want to risk the potential disaster of freezing it, here are a few safer alternatives:

  • Ice Bucket: Fill an ice bucket with a mix of ice and water, and place the wine bottle in it. Adding a pinch of salt can speed up the cooling process. Your wine should be chilled within 15-20 minutes.

  • Wet Towel Method: Wrap the wine bottle in a damp paper towel or cloth, then place it in the freezer. The wet towel will help chill the wine faster, and you’ll have a lower chance of forgetting it’s there.


Yes, wine can explode in the freezer if left long enough. As the wine freezes and expands, it puts pressure on the bottle, which can cause the cork to pop or the bottle to crack. While you can still drink thawed wine in most cases, freezing can negatively impact its taste and texture.

To avoid the risk of a messy freezer or ruined wine, it’s best to chill wine using safer methods like an ice bucket or a wine fridge. A wine fridge allows you to store your bottles at the perfect temperature without the worry of freezing or overheating.

Check out our selection of wine fridges at winefridge.sg for the best way to keep your wine perfectly chilled and ready to enjoy.