Blood Donation Drive Feb 2024

*** Fully Redeemed ***

On January 26th, Straits Times released an article urging eligible donors with O+ or O- to donate blood as current suppliers are at critical levels.

As a token of appreciation, we are offering bottles of wines(valued $100) for every blood donor before Feb 9th.

Thank you for considering this vital act of kindness. Your support can make a huge difference.


Where to donate blood?

Visit HSA



How to redeem?

Please bring along your proof of donation and stop by our showroom to claim your appreciation from us.

What are the hidden terms and conditions?

No fancy photo taking, documenting or marketing. This is with the sole intent to encourge blood donors to step forward.

Any purchase required?

No. Any eligible person with a recent blood donation proof will qualify. 

Is the a cap on the # of pax that the company will support?

Until the budget is exhaused(we will inform on this page), please continue to stop by after your blood donation to claim items.

WhatsApp us if you have any questions.