Bottle Sizes and Storage Capacity
In reference to bottle capacity for wine cellars, We refer to the maximum quantity of "standard" Bordeaux-size bottles that will fit into that cellar. From the chart above, there is no true standard size bottle as bottles come in varying styles, sizes and shapes. Some are extremely tall and thin (like a Riesling bottle), others are shorter yet wide at the shoulders (like the Pinot Noir or Turley bottle) and others are tall, wide and broad at the shoulders (like your large California red bottle).
Most collectors have non "standard" Bordeaux size bottles in your collection, your capacity can be lower than what we state the unit can hold.
Here is our rule of thumb: If up to half of your collection consists of non-standard Bordeaux-size bottles, your maximum capacity may be reduced by 20-25%. If your collection consists mostly of these larger sized bottles, your maximum capacity may be reduced by as much as 40%.