Extended Warranty Terms & Conditions

WFS EXTENDED WARRANTY (the “Extended Warranty”)


In this Extended Warranty, the following words have the following meanings:

“we,” “us” and “our” refer to WineFridge SG Pte Ltd.

“you” and “your” refer to the purchaser of the Extended Warranty.

“Coverage” means coverage for mechanical and electrical defects of the Product on the terms set out below.

“Manufacturer’s Warranty” means any warranty covered by the Manufacturer of the wine fridge purchased including any extended warranty provided by the Manufacturer at no extra cost.

“Product” means any Participating Brand of wine fridge newly purchased from us and stated in your tax invoice that is covered by this Extended Warranty with Purchase Price $3000 and below.

“Participating Brand” includes wine fridge from Brandt, Chateau, EuropAce, Liebherr (free standing wine cabinets only), Vintec, Mayer, Kadeka, Tecno and Valenti.

“Purchase Price” means the total price you paid for your Product as stated in your tax invoice provided by us excluding any taxes and shipping fees but after any discount given.

“In writing” means by way of email or Whatsapp.

For the avoidance of doubt, all coverage applies only to repairs and replacements done in Singapore and for Product used in Singapore.

1. The Extended Warranty

A. We provide the Extended Warranty for the Product purchased stated on the tax invoice, provided that the conditions set out below are met, to you, the purchaser of the Extended Warranty.

B. The term of the Extended Warranty is 5 years from the purchase date or delivery date (whichever is later and inclusive of the manufacturer’s warranty period) (the “Term”). The Product must be newly purchased from us and the Extended Warranty purchase must be made within 14 days from the purchase date and before delivery of the Product. 

C. The Extended Warranty will only be provided if all the conditions as set out below are met and not excluded under any clauses of the Extended Warranty. The benefits provided under the Extended Warranty are set out in Clause 2 below.

D. The express obligations and warranties made by us in the Extended Warranty are to the exclusion of any other extended warranty, condition, term, undertaking or representation of any kind, express or implied, relating to anything supplied or services provided under or in connection with the Extended Warranty including (without limitation) any extended warranty as to the condition, quality, performance, satisfactory quality or fitness for purpose of the Product or any part of the Product.

E. If a complaint is found upon investigation either not to be our responsibility under any of the clauses below or if the Purchaser elects not to proceed with repair, we may charge the Purchaser for all reasonable costs and expenses incurred by us in the course of or in consequence of such investigation.

F. You have agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions relevant to the Extended Warranty as set out in this page.

2. Coverage of the Extended Warranty:

You are entitled to the following coverage:

A. In the event of any mechanical and electrical defects of the Product, we shall arrange for the repair of the Product up to three (3) times for the entire Term. Each repair cost should not exceed the purchase price paid by you for your Product (“Limit”). If the repair cost exceeds the Limit, the difference between the costs of the repair and the original purchase price shall be borne by you.

B. Replacement parts may be new, original or non-original manufacturer’s parts. The Extended Warranty Coverage will be effective from the date of expiry of the manufacturer’s original warranty period or manufacturer’s extended warranty period (whichever is later) until the expiry of this Extended Warranty unless coverage is no longer applicable or is terminated as provided under the terms of this Extended Warranty.

C. Where it is determined by us that the Product cannot be repaired (such determination to be final), we shall compensate you with our store vouchers the value of which shall not exceed the relevant amount as stated in the table below.


Product deemed not repairable


Covered under Manufacturer’s Warranty


80% of Purchase Price if not covered under Manufacturer’s Warranty 


60% of Purchase Price if not covered under Manufacturer’s Warranty


40% of Purchase Price if not covered under Manufacturer’s Warranty


20% of Purchase Price if not covered under Manufacturer’s Warranty


D. Once we have compensated you in accordance with the above table, the Product shall belong to us and the Extended Warranty will terminate.

3. Scope of the Extended Warranty

A. The Extended Warranty is only applicable if all of the following conditions are met.

  • The Product was purchased from us.
  • The Product have been used in Singapore only.
  • The Product come with their respective Manufacturer's warranty.
  • The Product can be repaired in Singapore.
  • The Product and the Extended Warranty fees and premiums are fully paid for.
  • The Product remained at the same delivery address unless we were informed prior to the moving that professional movers will be engaged and our approval has been sought or if you engaged the service of our professional movers.

B. The Extended Warranty is not transferable to any third party.

C. If there has been a default in the payment of any part of the original purchase price of the Product, the Extended Warranty will be suspended with no extension of the Term.

D. We reserve the right to vary or modify the terms and conditions of the Extended Warranty at any time.

E. Exclusions
We will not cover you for / if:

  • the Product is still covered by the Manufacturer’s Warranty, repairer’s warranty, or any other warranty still in effect;
  • any display set unit, open box unit or any refurbished units bought from us;
  • any product that does not come with complete Manufacturer’s Warranty;
  • there are any outstanding fee or payment due from you to us;
  • you do not register for the warranty here or if the form is incorrectly or fraudulently filled;
  • Product that are not part of a participating brand;
  • any built in integrated products regardless of whether the brand is a participating brand or not;
  • Product not purchased from us;
  • the wrong Extended Warranty is purchased and you fail to top up the difference;
  • any damage or loss that are the subject of the manufacturer’s recall;
  • damage or loss caused by manufacturer's defects inherent in the Product;
  • any damage or repair necessary in connection with or caused by the function of a heated door;
  • any registration for Manufacturer’s Warranty was not completed and submitted successfully by you within the stipulated date resulting in loss of Manufacturer’s Warranty (any claims within the Manufacturer’s Warranty period that would be covered should the registration be completed will not be covered and the Extended Warranty will be void);
  • there has been unauthorised modification(s) to the Product, the serial number of the Product has been altered without authorisation, failure to follow manufacturers’ instructions on placement, installation, operation or maintenance of the Product, wrong electrical supply/voltage, repairs to the Product performed by a non-authorised repairer, any items not affecting the function of the Product;
  • commercial use (multi-user organisations), public rental, use for profit or communal use for multi-family housing;
  • shipping charges, damage charges (damage of the items and levy imposed), express service charges, transportation damage, removal, installation or reinstallation of the Product or product on loan during the repair process;
  • diagnostic fees, transport fees or any other fees in connection to the inspection of the Product where no defect has been found or noted;
  • defects or on-site service charges not covered by the Manufacturer’s Warranty;
  • any loss or damage caused by power outages or surges;
  • any loss or damage to the Product resulting from fire or flood, howsoever caused;
  • any loss or damage to the Product caused by an act of God (including without limitation, events such as earthquake, war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities or warlike operations, civil war, civil commotion);
  • any loss or damage due to burglary, theft, corrosion, animal and insect infestation, pet damage, accident, carelessness, misuse, neglect or abuse;
  • any databases and/or software;
  • Product given to you as free gifts in the course of sales promotions;
  • Product not in the tax invoice;
  • damage or loss caused by events that occur outside Singapore;
  • damage or loss caused wilfully or recklessly or intentionally;
  • damage or loss caused by fraud or sabotage;
  • damage or loss caused by wear and tear, degeneration, rust, mould, discolouration or cosmetic defects including defects to paintwork or product finish, in particular, without limitation, to batteries, display panels, cables, cord assembly, adaptors, rubber gaskets, filters, bulbs, lamps, drum units, cabinets, front panels, casings, covers, frames, lenses, lids, levers, plugs, sockets, control knobs, buttons;
  • damage or loss that cannot be proved;
  • damage or loss caused by moving;
  • damage or loss caused by the execution of legal rights by national or public bodies or any third party, seizure, requisition, and confiscation;
  • damage or loss caused by nuclear fuel substances or radioactivity;
  • damage or loss caused by computer viruses or any defect or any error in any software used upon or in association with the Product;
  • peripheral equipment or components that do not have independent functions. This includes, without limitation, equipment or components worn out through use of the Product.

4. Our Obligations

A. Our entire obligations under the Extended Warranty are to repair the Product or to compensate you with our store vouchers, whichever is applicable and after verification of the claim by us to our satisfaction.

B. The Product will be repaired subject to the ready availability of parts.Under no circumstances shall we be obliged to make any cash payments or refunds of the Extended Warranty premiums.

5. Manufacturer's Extended Warranty

The Manufacturer's Warranty shall be applicable first before the Extended Warranty. Any registration for Manufacturer’s Warranty must be completed by the purchaser within the stipulated date. Failure to register for Manufacturer’s Warranty resulting in loss of Manufacturer’s Warranty will not be covered by the Extended Warranty and any claims within the Manufacturer’s Warranty period that would be covered should the registration be completed will not be covered by the Extended Warranty and will render the Extended Warranty void for the entire Term. No refunds for the Extended Warranty payment will be given.

6. Making Claims

A. You shall make a claim immediately within 7 days on the occurrence of the event entitling you to make a claim, failing which, you shall not be entitled to the benefits under the Extended Warranty.

B. To make a claim under the Extended Warranty, the following documents must be submitted:

  • Our order invoice of the Product and Extended Warranty;
  • Manufacturer's Warranty; and
  • Any other documents we may reasonably require.

7. Subrogation

In the event that we have to provide benefits under the Extended Warranty and the failure or damage to or loss of the Product is caused by a third party, we shall acquire all your rights and benefits in relation to the third party.

8. Change of particulars

You shall keep us informed in writing of changes to the details of the Extended Warranty.

Extended Warranty/ Warranty Plus only applies if the Product remained at the same delivery address unless we were informed prior to the moving that professional movers will be engaged and our approval has been sought or if you engaged the service of our professional movers.

9.Termination of Extended Warranty 

A. The Extended Warranty will terminate immediately at the occurrence of any of the following events, or at the earlier of any of the event if there are more than 2 applicable:
    • upon expiry of the term of the Extended Warranty;
    • upon return of the Product;
    • upon cancellation of your order for whatsoever reason;
    • when you have relocated overseas or are no longer residing in Singapore;
    • when you have made a claim for repair for mechanical and electrical defects more than three times;
    • any fees or outstanding payments are due from you to us for a period of more than one (1) month;
    • store vouchers were given if the Product were deemed not repairable;
    • if your Product is surrendered to us; or
    • If you sell or transfer your Product to another person within the Term.

                    B. We may, at our discretion, terminate this Extended Warranty by giving you prior notice in writing. The termination of this Extended Warranty is effective as per the notice given regardless of whether it was acknowledged or accepted by you. Each Extended Warranty is a service Extended Warranty. It is neither a guarantee nor a promise relating to the nature of the material, workmanship or performance of your Product covered by the Extended Warranty.

                    C. No partial or full refund will be given upon termination of the Extended Warranty at any point in time.

                    10. Liability

                    We will not cover any direct or indirect loss or injury to any person or loss or damage to any property or any incidental, contingent, special or consequential damages including, but not limited to, losses incurred due to any delay in rendering any services related to this Extended Warranty and/or loss of use during the period that your Product is at an authorised repairer and/or while awaiting replacement parts, even if you might have informed us of the possibility of such loss or damage.

                    11. Personal Data Protection

                    You understand and agrees that your personal data may be collected, used and/or disclosed in accordance with our Privacy Policy. In particular, you consent to your personal data being disclosed to and used by our related corporations and/or third party in connection with the Extended Warranty.

                    12. Entire Agreement

                    A. To the extent allowed by applicable laws, no implied Extended Warranty (including that of satisfactory quality or fitness for a particular purpose) applies to the Product after the expiry or termination of the Extended Warranty.

                    B. Nothing in these terms and conditions or otherwise arising from or in connection with the Extended Warranty shall be deemed or construed to be a policy of insurance between us and you.

                    C. The Extended Warranty including these terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore.